Read up about South Korea's award-winning PicoLO laser technology
PicoLO is a next generation, truly picosecond Nd:YAG laser (1064nm & 532nm) designed to treat pigmentation lesions and perform tattoo removal, scar correction and skin rejuvenation.
This ultra short pulse targets pigmentations more effectively, minimizing discomfort, pain, side effects and downtime. PicoLO provides the largest spot size to allow faster treatments. Its award-winning good design and compact size will provide you more convenient procedure environment.
LASEROPTEK’s patented DOE Fractional Technology has once again been implemented to provide the photomechanical effect, which is the mechanism by which the chromophores of lesions are fragmented and broken up following the application of short laser pulses that can quickly heat up the targeted chromophores, which is called thermal stress, as well as acoustic stress being achieved when laser pulse duration is less than the acoustic diffusion time. In addition, it makes collapse of the cavitation bubble to generate strong local mechanical forces within the dermis, so called as Laser Induced Optical Breakdown (LIOB).
References: Friedman, D. (2015). A New Picosecond Paradigm for Prevention of Tattoo and Pigmented Lesion Removal Induced Adverse Sequelae, Schomacker, K., & Bhawalkar, J. D. (2015). Mechanisms of Action of Fractionated 532nm and 1064nm Picosecond Laser for Skin Rejuvenation a Patent No. 1010426870000(KR), fractional laser system using of diffraction pattern, and thereof ray method
PicoLO’s DOE Fractional Laser Beam can safely generate optical breakdown in tissue, leading to an enhanced inflammatory healing process resulting in production of collagen and elastin.
Stability is a key factor to maintain peak power to deliver optimal results with picosecond lasers. LASEROPTEK provides the highest stability in both output energy and pulse duration at 1064nm and 532nm wavelengths. This high stability can be maintained throughout using PicoLO and helps to induce LIOB even at low fluence, which makes PicoLO differentiated from all others.